Wolverhampton in the 50's and 60's

11 Yesterday.mp3

 Wolverhampton today.

Sadly the 1960's marked the end of the town we knew.  The ring road not only cut the town into pieces but destroyed a lot of the places we knew.    Today much of the town is little more than a bomb site after the council demolished whole areas in a failled reconstruction project that cost the town and the tax payers dearly.  Whilst its true that some improvements have been made, especially around the Queen street area, other areas of the town are a disgrace.  The council tried to get fok to move into the old Pitt street area but with sky high rents this was really untennable.  Many of the high rise flats that were the councils answer to the accomodation problems of the 1950's have now gone, for instance The graiseley flats, Dudley road flats have either been completely demolished or greatly scaled back.  Although renovated, some of these sprawling flats remain such as those in Heah town.

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